Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing
Colorado Springs housing Authority Public Housing
The Colorado Springs Housing Authority owns and operates 706 units throughout Colorado Springs. These units are offered at subsidized rents (30% of gross income) to eligible families, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Income and rent are reviewed annually. Units are inspected annually as well. Applicants are required to move to one of the units within Colorado Springs when they are offered a unit.
Greccio Housing
Greccio owns or manages properties throughout Colorado Springs which provide housing for approximately 1,150 residents annually. Greccio works to reduce the housing expense burden for the residents who live with us.
Rocky Mountain Community Land Trust
he Rocky Mountain Community Land Trust (RMCLT) mission is to provide quality, affordable housing for low-income families in El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs.
Ithaka Land Trust
All applicants with Ithaka are considered equally without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical ability, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law. Please note that due to limited resources, it is possible that not all qualified applicants will get accepted into one of our programs. We currently offer two types of Transitional Housing with Ithaka: Low-Barrier Transitional Housing (for individuals) and Service-Enhanced Transitional Housing (for families). Our goal in working with applicants is to find the right housing program fit for you.
Partners in Housing
Families make a bold choice to enroll with Partners in Housing. Beyond receiving one year of transitional housing, our families commit to: • Individualized case management, • Life skills training, • Budget and credit counseling • Career preparedness and placement
Affordable Housing Online
The Public Housing program provides affordable rental apartment communities and scattered homes and apartments (known as “scattered sites”) that give rental assistance to participants. The organizations that administer this program and own the properties are called Public Housing Agencies (commonly called housing authorities), which are funded and overseen by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Public Housing
The Colorado Springs Housing Authority owns and operates 706 units throughout Colorado Springs. These units are offered at subsidized rents (30% of gross income) to eligible families, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Income and rent are reviewed annually. Units are inspected annually as well. Applicants are required to move to one of the units within Colorado Springs when they are offered a unit.
Age Friendly Project Partners
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14 S Chestnut St, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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