Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse
National Center on Elder Abuse
The NCEA provides the latest information regarding research, training, best practices, news and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to professionals and the public. First established by the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) in 1988 as a national elder abuse resource center, the NCEA was granted a permanent home at AoA in the 1992 amendments made to Title II of the Older Americans Act.
Pikes Peak Elder Abuse Coalition
To facilitate community collaboration of services for the elderly (60+) and at-risk adults in the Pikes Peak Region. The PPEAC will focus on the health and welfare of elder and at-risk adults, in addition to education and awareness of mistreatment in the Pikes Peak region.
AARP - Elder Watch
To facilitate community collaboration of services for the elderly (60+) and at-risk adults in the Pikes Peak Region. The PPEAC will focus on the health and welfare of elder and at-risk adults, in addition to education and awareness of mistreatment in the Pikes Peak region.
Age Friendly Project Partners
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14 S Chestnut St, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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