Government Agencies


Government Agencies

City Council

Colorado Springs City Council as the legislative branch of government for the City of Colorado Springs, council members are elected to four-year terms

Mayor’s Office

Colorado Springs mayors priorities are: Collaborative Leadership: maintain a positive working relationship between the Mayor's Office and City Council and enhance cooperation with our regional partners and other local governments in our area. Investment in Infrastructure: address the city's pressing infrastructure challenges by improving our city's roads, bridges and stormwater systems. Promoting New Job Creation: help the companies already located here to expand and attract new companies to Colorado Springs.

County Commissioners

El Paso County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC), an administrative and policy-making body, has only such powers and authority as are granted by the General Assembly of the Colorado State Legislature.

Commission on Aging

The purpose of the Commission is to provide ongoing and embedded advocacy for older adults in the municipal government of Colorado Springs; advise the City Council on special issues and opportunities relating to the City's aging population; make recommendations to the City Council and Mayor during the annual municipal ..

State Commission on Aging

The Colorado Commission on Aging (CCOA) was established under the authority of the Older Coloradans Act (C.R.S. Sections 26- 11-100.1 to 26-11-106) to serve as the primary advisory body on all matters affecting older persons.


Colorado Senior Lobby

the misssion is to Help Improve the Quality of Life and Well-Being of Aging Coloradans.

Bell Policy Center

Since 2000, the Bell Policy Center has worked to advance economic mobility in Colorado.

Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman

The Ombudsman Program provides education and consultation about accessing long term care and advocates for residents of assisted living and nursing home facilities when problems arise.

Innovations in Aging

The Mission of Innovations in Aging Collaborative is to convene the community to promote creative approaches that address the challenges and opportunities of aging.

Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging Regional Advisory Council

The committee is a nontechnical committee made up of volunteers who offer a citizen’s perspective on issues such as transportation, the environment, economic development, and military impact planning in the Pikes Peak region.

Justice in Aging

Justice in Aging is the opportunity to live with dignity, regardless of financial circumstances—free from the worry, harm, and injustice caused by lack of health care, food, or a safe place to sleep. By using the law to strengthen the social safety net, and remove the barriers low-income seniors face in trying to access the services they need, we work to ensure the future we all envision for our loved ones and ourselves.


Arts & Culture

Financial & Legal

Health & Wellness


Leisure & Recreation

Government & Advocacy



Volunteering & Employment