Volunteer Websites


Volunteer Websites

Just Serve

JustServe is a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers and does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in posting projects or in encouraging volunteers to serve according to our guidelines.

Volunteer Match

Explore hundreds of virtual volunteer opportunities in cause areas like health and medicine, education, and community building, that you can do from a computer, from home or anywhere.


Volunteering is an incredibly rewarding way to spend your time while enriching the lives of others. Volunteer service opportunities at Volunteers of America Colorado Branch vary from delivering meals to home-bound seniors, brightening the decor of one of our shelters, or providing childcare to one of the students in our Head Start programs, and much, much more.

Pikes Peak United Way

At Pikes Peak United Way, we believe there is more that connects us than divides us. That’s why Live United is not just a slogan – it’s the vision of a community that believes we are stronger together than we ever could be apart.

AARP Volunteer Find

AARP's Volunteer Opportunity Board lets you search for ways to share your experience with the community

IndyGIVE nonprofit list

Every year, the Give! team, along with local community, business, media and philanthropy leaders, make it easy for you to learn about and make a donation to trusted nonprofits in the Pikes Peak region by vetting and hand-selecting each year’s class from over a hundred applications.

Silver Key Senior Services

When you volunteer at Silver Key, the impact you make on our community is significant. On an average day, our volunteers add up to hundreds of hours of service to support quality of life for seniors.


Arts & Culture

Financial & Legal

Health & Wellness


Leisure & Recreation

Government & Advocacy



Volunteering & Employment