Open Enrollment for Medicare

October 4, 2012

Medicare Open Enrollment

Submitted by Roma Costanza

Medicare Specialist/Case Manager

No Cost Assistance for Medicare Open Enrollment

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period to sign up for 2022 Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Plans begins on October 15 and will continue through December 7, 2021. During Open Enrollment PPACG’s Area Agency on Aging’s SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) is offering personal counseling to all Medicare-qualified individuals.

The mission of SHIP is to empower, educate, and assist Medicare-eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers through objective outreach, counseling, and training, to make informed health insurance decisions that optimize access to care and benefits.

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older and those who are eligible for Social Security based on a disability. Each year during the Annual Open Enrollment Period, you have a chance to make changes to your Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) or Medicare Advantage Plan for the following year.

SHIP counselors are available October 15th through December 7th M-F 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. by appointment only.  PPACG Area Agency on Aging SHIP counselors will help Medicare clients review all of the options available to them in order to make the best decision for their coverage. Walk-in service is not available.

SHIP counseling is free, and counselors do not sell or endorse any insurance, so they can provide an objective view of the options. All are trained and certified by the state and by Medicare and have many years of experience.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 719-471-2096.

About the PPACG Area Agency on Aging

The mission of the PPACG Area Agency on Aging is to help older adults by providing services and supports that enable them to remain as independent as possible in their homes and communities.

 About the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments

The Pikes Peak region’s 16 local governments join together in PPACG to collaborate on issues that cross political boundaries and to reach solutions that benefit the entire region. PPACG’s primary focus is regional planning in transportation, aging issues, military impact planning and air and water quality.




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