Submitted by: Jim Herlihy
Senior Marketing & Communications Director
As we age, memories can become more elusive. We compensate. Lists on the refrigerator. Reminders to
ourselves. Sticky notes all over.
But what happens when memory loss begins to disrupt our daily lives? When we have difficulty completing familiar tasks? When we have trouble retracing our steps? Where can you
turn for knowledgeable and confidential counsel, and emotional support, on what lies ahead?
That’s where the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado can help. The Association and its free 24/7 Helpline (800-272-3900) are the best source for
confidential information from professional counselors trained to help with questions about memory loss and what steps individuals – or family members – can take to
determine if the issue could be related to dementia or another, more routine cause.
“There are a number of factors that could play a role in memory loss, ranging from nutritional deficiencies, stress and changes in medications to severe events such as a
stroke,” said Meg Donahue, director of Family Services for the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado. “All memory loss isn’t necessarily a sign of Alzheimer’s disease, so we always recommend that people speak with their family doctor.”
The counselors on the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline can field questions in more than 200 languages and direct callers to resources in their community. If, ultimately, the diagnosis is Alzheimer’s, Helpline staff can provide connections to an extensive network of services and information resources available to help families.
To learn more about Alzheimer’s Association programs and services, call the free, 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900. All Alzheimer’s Association programs and services are offered to Colorado families at no charge.